"... A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. ..."
-- The New Colossus. (Statute of Liberty)
Abogado de Inmigracion en el Bronx,
Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn
Inmigración en Nueva York es muy complicado. El presidente Trump siempre amenaza con cambiar las leyes de inmigración. Todos nuestros abogados de inmigración hablan español y tienen años de experiencia. Nuestros abogados de inmigración le explicarán cada paso y todas sus opciones. Llame hoy para una consulta gratis.
Abogado de inmigración que accesible 24/7.​
cuando enfrenta una emergencia migratoria, no desea hablar con un asistente legal o esperar días para escuchar a un abogado. ¡Desea hablar con su abogado de inmigración de inmediato! Toque personal. Esto nos diferencia de los grandes bufetes de abogados.
Nos abogados saben las nuevas leyes que aflojan el proceso del perdón provisional en los EEUU.
¿Han sido arrestados usted o un ser querido en la frontera? Si tiene menos de 21 años, puede solicitar "Especial inmigrante juvenil".
Muchas familias del Bronx, que son ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, tienen familiares inmediatos fuera de los Estados Unidos. Los parientes inmediatos incluyen hijos, cónyuges y padres de ciudadanos estadounidenses. Si un ciudadano estadounidense del Bronx desea solicitar un padre, debe tener más de 21 años. Si el ciudadano estadounidense del Bronx (USC) solicita un niño, el menor debe ser menor de 21 años y no estar casado. Si el niño tiene más de 21 años, ¡aún puede haber opciones! Si el niño es mayor de 21 años, no es un familiar inmediato del ciudadano de los EE. UU., Pero sería elegible según la cuota, es decir, en la primera categoría de preferencia para un niño mayor de 21 años pero no casado; o para un hijo casado mayor de 21 años, luego en la tercera categoría de preferencia, preferencia basada en la familia.
Si vive o trabaja en el Bronx, ingrese a nuestra oficina y obtenga una consulta gratuita con nuestro abogado de inmigración. Si usted es un pariente inmediato, venga a dar el primer paso hacia su Tarjeta verde y complete el Formulario I-130.
¿Eres un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos? ¿Te has casado con una persona que vino a los EE. UU. Con una visa? Para obtener el Estatus permanente legal (Residencia), el solicitante y el beneficiario deben presentar el Formulario I-130 y el Formulario I-485 al mismo tiempo.
La administración de Trump ha tomado medidas para evitar que las personas que llegaron a EE. UU. Con una visa ajusten su estado.
"En un cable a las embajadas de Estados Unidos en todo el mundo, el Secretario de Estado Rex W. Tillerson escribió que los visitantes que requieren una visa antes de ingresar a los Estados Unidos deben cumplir con sus planes establecidos durante al menos tres meses. Si en ese período lo hacen algo que no mencionaron en una entrevista con un funcionario consular, como casarse con un ciudadano estadounidense, ir a la escuela o conseguir un trabajo, se supondrá que han mentido deliberadamente ". NY Times - 18 de septiembre de 2017.
Antes de presentar el Formulario I-130 y el Formulario I-485, hable con nuestro abogado o pídanos que presentemos la solicitud.
Illegal Entry
Anyone who entered the U.S. without first being inspected (EWI) by an officer of the U.S. border patrol is considered to have entered the U.S. illegally.
People who enter the U.S. without being “inspected” by a U.S. immigration officer are generally not able to obtain permanent residence—green cards—while in the U.S. Instead, they must leave the U.S. and complete the processing of their green card applications at a U.S. consulate abroad.
In 1996, a change to the immigration law created the “unlawful presence bars.” Under the unlawful presence bars, people who have been in the U.S. without permission for six months are barred from reentering the U.S. for 3 years once they leave the United States. Additionally, anyone who has been in the U.S. without permission for 1 year or more is barred from reentering the country for 10 years, unless the person is granted a waiver.
Waivers of the 3- or 10-year unlawful presence bars are available only to people who can show that certain members of their family would suffer “extreme hardship” should they be denied reentry into the U.S. In 2013, a new DHS rule no longer required the petitioner to leave the United States and apply at their local consulate. This eliminated this risk of Bronx families being separated from their U.S. citizen family members. The NEW rule changes the processing of reentry bar waiver by allowing qualifying people to apply for a “provisional waiver” BEFORE departing the U.S. People whose provisional waiver applications are approved would then be able to travel abroad knowing that a waiver will be granted, reducing the risk they would be denied reentry. The new process also will reduce the time that such people spend abroad apart from their families, since a time-consuming part of the green card process will already have been completed before they leave the U.S.
Why an applicant needs an attorney when filing for the waiver.
Applying for a green card through this new process will require the person to submit forms and paperwork at three different stages:
(1) the immediate relative petition stage;
(2) the waiver application stage; and
(3) the consular processing stage, which includes an interview.
While each case is different, the waiver application will be the most complicated part of the process for most applicants. Proving that a family member will suffer “extreme hardship” is a challenging task that involves a thorough review of that family’s financial, medical, and mental-health states and histories. Our Bronx Immigration attorneys have the experience that you need and will assess whether there are any other issues that might prevent you from being able to return to the U.S. if you use this process to apply for a green card.
We have helped many immigrant families in New York take the first significant step towards legal status. Adjustment of Status (AOS) is a procedure that allows eligible applicants to become lawful permanent residents (Green Card Holders) of the United States; adjusting from a visa to green card. With a Green Card, you can legally work in the United States, travel outside of the United States and even petition for certain family members.
Our firm has helped many Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island and other immigrants adjust without having to leave the New York City area. Alternatively, for those New Yorkers who have family outside of the United States our firm will help your immigrant family member complete the Consular Processing in their home country. Here in our Manhattan and Bronx Immigration offices, we have helped many Dominican, Mexican, Ecuadorian, Columbian, etc. prepare for the Consular Processing. Put our Spanish speaking team’s knowledge and experience to work for you. Call now for a free consultation.
Adjustment of Status vs. Consular Processing
AOS is for applying in the U.S. and Consular Processing is processing applying abroad at the U.S. consular office. AOS can’t be applied abroad and consular processing can’t be applied in the U.S.
In order to apply for an adjustment of status, you must have the following:
Approved Petition for Alien Relative, I – 130.
Approved Application to Adjust Status, I – 485.
I-130 is based on your close relationship with a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident. Adjustment of status concerns your personal history, such as health, finances, place of residence, family, and political and criminal background.
From the moment that you submit your application to adjust until the time that it is approved, the applicant considered to be in legal status as an “applicant to adjust status.”
Eligibility to Adjust Status
If the priority date is current, you may be eligible to apply for adjustment to permanent resident status if you are already in the U.S. and if:
* You have a legal entry
** Your household income is equal to or higher than 125% of the U.S. poverty level for your household size
*** You do not have a disqualifying criminal conviction
* If you have an entry without inspection, you may qualify for a waiver.
** If your household income is not enough, you may still qualify with a joint sponsor.
*** Some crimes are automatic disqualifiers, while some are not. Have an experienced immigration/criminal attorney review your criminal record before you apply.